Our Educational Programs

1 to 2 Years

Little Haykazunyadz

An exceptional program for your baby to develop & grow in a safe environment.

2 to 5 Years


Early childhood education with engaging and hands-on curriculum.

5 to 6 Years


Accredited Benchmark & McGraw Hill educational program with an ever evolving depth of learning.

6 to 8 Years

First & Second Grade

Common Core integrated instruction with an academic focus and variety of teaching styles to meet the needs of each child.

5 to 17 Years

Saturday Armenian School

Once a week Armenian school program focusing on Armenian language arts.

Our Curriculum

Our preschool program offers a thoughtfully curated early childhood education curriculum created by our dedicated school team.

Our curriculum covers a wide range of exciting themes, diverse topics, and engaging subjects, ensuring a well-rounded learning journey for preschool age children. The main subjects in our creative curriculum include:


Reading and
Langauge Arts



Social Studies


Healthy Meals and Snacks

At Haykazunyadz Preschool, we prioritize the well-being and nutrition of your little one. We understand that a healthy diet is essential for your child’s growth and development. That’s why we are committed to providing wholesome meals and snacks to keep our young learners happy and nourished throughout the day.

Our students at Haykazunyadz are treated to three delicious, freshly cooked meals every day. These meals are thoughtfully prepared by our school chef’s daily to meet the nutritional requirements of preschoolers.

In addition to three daily meals every day, children are served delicious and healthy snacks in between breakfast, lunch and supper.

Extra Curricular Activities

Included in our curriculum are a variety of extra curricular activities that children participate in multiple times a week

Armenian Study





Bible Study

Physical Education


